Wringing gauge block of up to 10 mm onto a larger gauge block
1. Place the gauge block at an approximately 30° offset to the larger gauge block.
2. Press the front of the gauge block down with your thumb and push the gauge block on by turning it while applying pressure. While pushing on the gauge block, move your thumb to the rear of the gauge block so that the uniform application of pressure presses out the air between the gaugeblocks.
Wringing of larger gauge blocks onto a large gauge block
1. Place the gauge block at an approximately 90° offset to the gauge block.
2. Press the top of the gauge block down with your thumb and push the gauge block on by turning it while applying pressure.
Seperating and storing the gauge blocks
The gauge blocks should be separated after a maximum of 8 hours as they tend towards cold-welding.
1. Turn the gauge block again and lift it of the base surface.
2. Clean the gauge blocks with a microfibre cloth.
3. Place the gauge blocks in the transport packaging.
4. Store the gauge blocks in a dry and clean place.
Gauge Block Care
Always clean the gauge blocks with a microfibre cloth before wringing and after separating.
For removal of fingerprints use cleaning naphtha or ethyl alcohol.